Wednesday, May 22, 2013

No Turning Back.

So whenever I imagine a blogger I imagine Jenna Hamilton from MTV's Awkward. typing away all of her problems and life in one sweet thought. Ha! Heck if I could get out my thoughts that simply and easily, I would be set with a writing career. My thoughts will come out eventually, but I have to slowly unravel them as I speak. I am a psychology major and of course analyzing EVERYTHING comes with that territory, even my own thoughts. Maybe that is why I am a psych major, I love to thoroughly think things through. My favorite thing thinking of ulterior situations to classical stories. What if Elizabeth Bennett in Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice actually said yes to the incredibly icky Mister Collins? Well although Jane Bennett and Mister Bingley would be happy, poor Charlotte Lucas would be an old maid. Lizzy would be so bored and miserable with her life, and who knows what would have happened to Lydia! Mister Wickham would not have any means for revenge through the Bennett family and probably would have preyed on some other innocent flirt. The romance would not longer be a romance, but rather the tragedy of how a desperate woman could not wait to get away from her parents, and married her repulsive and ill-mannered cousin. Imagine their children! Ewwww
It is a wonder how things would change if one thing went different in a story, or even a life. I wonder if I had not gotten that F in my second semester of Honors Geometry in high school, if I would be at some wonderful college in some far off state on a full ride scholarship missing my family and wondering how long it will take me to drive home.Who knows, maybe I would have a boyfriend and a billion friends like I did in high school. Of course, if that had come to pass, I would not have made the few wonderful friends I have and I would not have had as much motivation as I had this first year of college. The way my life has gone is creating me and who I will become. It is important because I want to become a child psychologist and work in a children's hospital.
 It is hard to imagine me being this motivated if I had gotten free college. I am working my way through college, and it was hard last year, but in the end many children and families will benefit from all the money I am paying. As a freshman, I worked an average of 40 hours a week at a job that was half an hour away from my campus. I realized that balancing that much work with the actual work of academia was too much to handle and I am adapting to that for my sophomore year. As I have learned from my first year of college, if I can handle college on my own, I can handle anything coming my way. 
Of course I know I am never on my own completely...and I am not talking about friends who stick together. I have God, and with him and my crazy imagination I have a pretty good kick start on my own life I would say!

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